46 / Moonstream
We're joined by the founder of Moonstream, Neeraj, as he delves into the world of sustainable blockchain game economies. Learn about the challenges of decentralizing a community and the role of game design in web3 games. #blockchain #web3games #metaverse

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco



Vj Deliria




Episode notes
Edit these notes…Guest: Neeraj of Moonsteam.to. founder of Moonstream, Neeraj, via Game7. He thinks much more deeply about how to make blockchain game economies sustainable than just about anyone I know. And they open source everything.
Neeraj’s X: https://twitter.com/zomglings
Moonstream Discord: https://discord.gg/BSxjMyfWgW
- Moonstream.to
- Want to build games that people want to spend their lives playing, without any dark design patterns but rather because they love it
- The first step of the metaverse is a name on a Pacman arcade machine
- Neeraj’s backgroundhttps://clashroyale.com/blog/news/community-update.html
- Started in mathematics research
- Integer sequence encyclopedia
- Neel Sloan, John Conway
- Grandmother’s health saga inspired to help solve diagnosis issues
- Research in Japan for a while using
- Always interested in tech
- Google Tensorflow a bit
- Always interested in Bitcoin since the paper came out
- Started in mathematics research
- Moonstream team/community
- Can’t have Neeraj being the one person controlling wallets forever
- Decided to decentralize everything
- Building a reputation system
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winning_Ways_for_Your_Mathematical_Plays
- HOw to decentralize?
- Moonstream will probably never do a token
- Things to avoid in decentralization
- Transactional, financially-oriented relationships
- Don’t want to build things that will break at scale
- Will wrote a paper about the game theory of this
- Can’t avoid transactional nature of decentralized systems
- Instead, designers have parameters to tune
- https://medium.com/0xcert/token-curated-registries-8035d7fac2b7
- Can we build systems that scale arbitrarily?
- Neeraj says no
- Big tech company example
- When community becomes too large
- Federation seems to work
- Book: Driving Honda: Inside the World’s Most Innovative Car Company
- Is Neeraj a game designer?
- Maybe old school game designers are not the best for designing blockchain games
- Want all types of game designers in teh community though
- Cryptounicorns Minigame – designed as not fun, but players found fun and meaning in many aspects of it
- Moonstream has it’s own nodes, crawlers rather than 3rd parties
- Could use some help on
- I can give out Remixer NFT badges for people that completed classes before! See https://rewards.remix.ethereum.eth.limo/ how to organize this?
- Make clips
- What are some Twitch channels I should add to SUGGESTED CHANNELS?
- And who should we Twitch raid??
- —> Day9tv