59 / Homework review
Elif and Rito review their homework on tokenizing a 2D or 3D metaverse and exploring different features for QR codes. We consider different solutions and ponder how to handle map zooming when there are too many people in one place.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco





Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Area World example of 2D sale of Earth coordinates
- Our podcast is up! Link
- Speech-to-text techniques
- Siri (garbled) => GPT-3 (“Can you clean up this garbled text for me?”)
- Whisper by Openai
- Homework Review
- Elif // adding metadata into NFTs
- Near / external reflection of our universe / an image of individuality
- Needs: location and search
- Homework answer, what metadata?
- Coordinates? 2D? 3D? How many dimensions? Point/size?
- 2d/3d
- Reference work: http://web.archive.org/web/20220521081059/https://area.world/
- Plus Codes
- Key questions:
- Is this Earth or a different orb?
- Is there exclusive ownership of locations? who mediates?
- Clusters like Craigslist? Or Minecraft which is territorial?
- Rito – Different QR code uses
- URLs
- tel:+12222123456
- sms:+12122223456?subject=XXX&body=XXX
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier#Example_URIs
- Mailto:
- Decode QR codes with zxing.org
- Elif // adding metadata into NFTs
- Qumosi?
Thank you for joining Community Service Hour episode 59!
Reviewed homework from @exstalis checking out a 2-dimensional (or 3-dimensional) metaverse construct. What is the metadata we would need for tokenizing this?
Some solutions are: first-dibs/gold-rush for spaces (like DNS/Minecraft) or another way is allowing anybody to use points (like Foursquare/Instagram)
How do you zoom in when there are too many people in one place? Maybe like Craigslist…
Reviewed homework from @rito_rhymes checking out different features for QR codes, identified some use cases, still studying how to transfer to ENS names