62 / Soulbind
In episode 62, we delve into the world of soulbound tokens. We discuss the proposed EIP-6049 and the mechanisms of Ethereum consensus changes. We also cover various concepts around these tokens such as EOA evaluation, attributes, personhood, and business models. Lastly, we explore the potential of soulbound tokens in ticketing.

William Entriken





Andrew Cer


Daniel Tedesco
Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Implemented our EIP-6049 to deprecate
in smart contracts
- Accepted and implemented our https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6049 / noted at https://blog.soliditylang.org/2023/02/01/solidity-0.8.18-release-announcement/
- Longtime consensus to get rid of this, but not officially documented
- Warnings will now appear when someone tries to use SELFDESTRUCT
- For CREATE2 will Etherscan mark the old source code as invalid?
- Lots of great ways to attack this when used for proxy deployments
- Steal my oldest NFT, the oldest NFT on Ethereum https://fulldecent.blogspot.com/2021/09/there-are-no-nft-contracts-before-terra.html
- Tell them in the EIP
- https://etherscan.io/address/0xcde4de4d3baa9f2cb0253de1b86271152fbf7864
- We are working on Soulbind (https://www.soulbind.app/) and want to discuss soulbound tokens, more specifically:
- should there be a standard for soulbound tokens
- Lots of discussion previous on Community Service Hour & Eth Magicians forum
- restricting soulbound tokens to EOAs
- tx.origin
- signed messages
- any transaction from that person
- any tx from that person ON ANY CHAIN/NETWORK
- there is a choice: allowing wallets ⇔ allowing wrapping tokens
- should soulbound tokens be consensual?
- updatable tokens – educational course, learn something, get token, learn more, update that token
- level 1 badge, level 2 update – or a trophy shelf
- ticketing as a use case for soulbound tokens
- should there be a standard for soulbound tokens
Thank you everyone for joining episode 62! We discussed #EIP6049 and @0xSoulbind with @0xrobrecht @cer_andrew
How fast does Ethereum community make changes?
Look at EIP-6049 https://youtu.be/rlePJziAY6Y?t=43s
… and the bigger picture at https://youtu.be/rlePJziAY6Y?t=169s
The main video starting on Soulbind
What about attributes and personhood? @exstalis