67 / Kazm
Security, attestations
In this episode, we delve into the world of Kazm with CEO Ben Turtel. We explore community-focused web3 projects, delve into the intricacies of Kazm and its competitive standing, address privacy concerns and discuss the potential of GPT-4 in human interaction. We also discuss Twitter as a potential platform for community building.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco


Vj Deliria

Episode notes
Edit these notes…- 6:00 – Welcome & Introduce Drink of the Week
- 6:05 – Special guest: Ben Turtel, CEO of Kazm
- Brief self-intro of Ben and Kazm
- Community members will share their third-party website login
- Only sharing with one community, not sharing with all of Kazm (like Slack, not Discord)
- This is web2 problem, technically solved by web3
- The best web3 projects sell by knowing who their customers are–huge spreadsheets
- Adding reputation/tiers now – manage
- Gleem Premint campaigns, load with CSV
- Lookalike nearest neighbors model already available
- GPT-4
- Do we need to get to a place where we validate that you’re talking to a human?
- Top Questions for Ben
- How did Kazm get started?
- Kazm operates in a competitive space, how is Kazm different from alternatives like Metacommerce, holder.xyz, absolute labs, etc.?
- Do people want to be tracked?
- What’s the competitive moat for Kazm?
- How do you see Kazm interacting with the open source community over time?
- Is Twitter the right future community building?
- Live questions for Ben
- Brief self-intro of Ben and Kazm
- 6:50 – Wrap up Tweet
- 6:58 – Twitch raid
- Great to host @BTurtel @kazmapp, breaking into a growing space that @gleamapp @premint are also growing in
- They support games/brands/growth teams to learn more about their own community members
- This is the web2 part… Twitter, Discord, etc.
- And now web3, this is badging/soulbound tokens/community recognition, integration-free partnerships
- Everything they do that’s member facing is a widget
- Loyalty program with tiers, or membership levels