68 / Auto audit?
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In this episode, we discuss the exciting possibilities of AI in Final Cut Pro and touch upon contract audits using AI. We delve into automating reviews, patterns in bytecode, and features of Codespaces. A significant part of the discussion is focused on the intriguing potential of GPT-4 in code audits and comparing GPT-3 and GPT-4 in creating a NEAR command line. An exciting new product, tbone.ai, is introduced towards the end.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco



Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Why not filters or AI in Final Cut Pro?
- Product cycles are long—FCP takes 5+ years,
- AI should be able to do this
- ***service that makes audio sound perfect
- Codespaces is great
- Can even start a port and others can SSH in
- “Multiplayer coding”
- Should do everything a docker, or waiting for a open source option
- AI contract audits https://twitter.com/jconorgrogan/status/1635695064692273161
- GPT-4 is much like GPT-3, but much bigger, useful for code audits
- Great use case: decompiling and vulnerability, two steps
- Pretend you are a SQL Server https://embracethered.com/blog/posts/2022/chatgpt-imagine-you-are-a-database/
- Comparing GPT-3 and GPT-4 on making a NEAR command line …
- https://twitter.com/dtedesco1/status/1638180394221858817
- GPT-4 might be at an advantage, because NEAR is younger
- Better comparison: something older
- OpenAI
- tbone show off
- “Text apps”
- Demoed 2-minute language app
- Made an example app
- Interesting monetization
Episode 68 with a new product reveal at the end for my new neural network product! tbone.ai
Free access codes if you want them, limited supply
Note about about how fast innovative things like large language models & NFTs finally get deployed in slow product cycles like enterprise supply chain and Final Cut Pro
Live Share / Codespaces is great. Can even start a port and others can SSH in “Multiplayer coding”. Should do everything a Docker and you can share your command line.
AI contract audits? Shout out to [https://twitter.com/jconorgrogan/status/1635695064692273161
](https://twitter.com/jconorgrogan/status/1635695064692273161)GPT-4 is much like GPT-3, but much bigger, useful for code audits. Great use case: decompiling and vulnerability, two steps. For an interpreter: “pretend you are a SQL Server” https://embracethered.com/blog/posts/2022/chatgpt-imagine-you-are-a-database/
tbone.ai show off
Text apps
Demoed 2-minute language app
Made an example app
Interesting monetization