72 / Ticketing
For events
In this episode, we discuss NFT event ticketing, the current state of Yuga Labs, and explore the concept of blockchain-inspired database design. We delve into the potential of NFT ticketing applications, reviewing aspects such as royalty splitting, MSRP, refund policies, and limited transfers. Guest speaker, @temmanuel sheds light on the use of @ensdomains ''fuses'' and token gating, and touches upon the use of @jsonschema to standardize NFT metadata. We also touch upon auditable databases with @darianbailey14. Stay till the end for some insightful discussions.

William Entriken




Darian Bailey
Episode notes
Edit these notes…- (who added?) Poe custom Claudes
- Yuga Labs dead? https://twitter.com/bennetttomlin/status/1645766051509010435?s=46
- No // wat is this lol
- @temmanuel / Ticketing Standard (721t - Upgradable )
- NFT functions (e.g. ERC-721)
- Transfer
- Deny if max_transfers exceeded (per token?)
- Deny transfers after the event happens / other time based
- Mint
- Redeem
- Transfer
- Royalty (e.g. ERC-2981)
- Royalty %
- Splitting
- Could be handled with ERC-2981 using a custodian
- Could use a competitor to ERC-2981
- Control sale price
- Controlling sale price (not to be sold for more than [%] than X (X potentially being face value)
- There are laws/regulations around ticket pricing (not necessarily need to do in smart contract)
- Enforceability could be encouraged by partnering/blocking marketplaces
- Make a standard to express this restriction / which entities will be in the ecosystem?
- An ERC to express allowable sale prices
- Refund
- Will it be burned? Or can it be reissued/voided?
- One-time features
- Redeemable Component [X] / fuses? handle in metadata? food / meet and greet?
- This is an important product decision (tear off edge of ticket or secondary tickets)
- Metadata on-chain
- Event information / Event Title, Description / participation restrictions (age? rated R?) / Venue Name / Venue Location / Event URL
- Ticket information / Asset Title / Section / Row / Seat
- Redemptions & mutable information / Redeemed Timestamp / Redeemed Wallet address
- Systems integration
- Graphic (can change/revealed when redeemed) / Asset Media (initial state) / -Asset Media (redeemed state) / -Asset Media (surprised State) / -Asset Media (voided State)
- Can be done as a change on-chain (IPFS) or could be on Web2 metadata server
- Associated Media Name [X] (Token-gated)
- Rules
- Try publishing your own JSON schema for your metadata format? and add semantic meaning / schema for it
- NFT functions (e.g. ERC-721)
- Sqlite audit example (darianb.eth)
- Current usecases? Major roadblocks to adoption?
- Attestation how? Signature through web portal after kyc?
- Inclusion proofs? Hash the db and check inclusion? Seems like any db could do this?
- planned next steps? postgres extension?
- https://twitter.com/fulldecent/status/1646295666094645257
- https://github.com/fulldecent/versioned_database_template
- @DeSciNYC / @popolandRuii
- Stayed to the end!
- @t012n4d0
- @037
- @temmanuel
- @darianbailey14
Discussing NFT event ticketing, the death(?) of Yuga Labs and blockchain-inspired database design for business (web2.5?) on Community Service Hour #72
Reviewing NFT ticketing applications with @temmanuel
Royalty split MSRP Refunds Limited # of transfers Redemptions (@ensdomains “fuses”) Token gating
Can also use their own @jsonschema to standardize NFT metadata
Is @yugalabs dead?
No. Going strong. Some days one of your million community efforts flops. Or even the hardware hosting the event flops.
Auditable databases with @darianbailey14
Current use cases, roadblocks to adoption? Quick demo with SQLite Comparing inclusion proofs with blockchain SOX compliance