77 / Anima, Remix
We discuss digital product passports and hold a workshop, write and launch their first smart contracts together. Thank you to @marco_ANIMA for introducing the Italian fashion phygitals startup @anima_protocol and the background on EU Digital Passport draft regulations. This is how the world is going to be accountable with carbon emissions.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco











Episode notes
Edit these notes…- ANIMA
- Get ready for our smart contract workshop! homework and homework-zh
- Anima, intro from @marco_ANIMA
- Italy, fashion phygitals
- NFT+NFC AES 256, single-use scans
- Email + password, collect without MetaMask
- Withdrawal to
- Digital product passport EU legislation
- Why: proof of ownership, regulation ready, carbon tracking, finding the final customers (through the retailer)
- Eoin: which products are included in the regulation? // consumption inputs are required to report
- Workshop: make your own NFT token smart contract // part 2 of 2, write and deploy your smart contract (FRIENDLY FOR BEGINNERS!)
- Homework (due before class): https://phor.net/homework.pdf and https://phor.net/homework-zh.pdf
- Europe regulation MiCA and the quasi fungible token hole // https://twitter.com/fulldecent/status/1659547537647304705
- New website draft https://hour.gg/ (work to do at https://github.com/community-service/hour.gg/issues/2 )
- Thank you @marco_ANIMA for introducing Italian fashion phygitals startup @anima_protocol and the background on EU Digital Passport draft regulations. This is how the world is going to be accountable with carbon emissions.
- For part 2/2 of our workshop. Learn fast how to make a smart contract and dapp. No programming experience required. See the homework beforehand at https://phor.net/homework.pdf
- Thank you @EthereumRemix for making all this possible and so easy #SolidityClass
- And also a draft website for our whole community projects https://hour.gg/#projects
- Thank you for staying to the end!