81 / Bunnies thesis & Remix
Essential features you need to know
Essential features in Remix that users may not know about with Rob Stupay and a deep dive into OnChainBunnies research by Axelle Moortgat including optimizations and strategies for random ID generation.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco



Axelle Moortgat


Remix Project

Rob Stupay






Episode notes
Edit these notes…- OnChainBunnies research
- How NFT randomness works
- Axelle Moortgat: OnChainBunnies research
- Optimizations
- Generation instead of storage (Loot generation, SVG)
- Optimizer
- Solidity gets translated to opcode by EVM
- SSTORE is the most expensive opcode
- Memory data
- Storage options: Storage data, call data, and memory data
- Every time you ask for memory data, code is read, data is declared, and data is deleted
- Bitfieldencoding
- How to store the IDs?
- Use bits for every trait
- Bitfield operations are very cheap
- Store one integer and get all the data once
- Random ID generation
- Uncovered insider trading
- Developer knows which IDs have which traits and will tell friends
- How to prevent this? Need to reveal IDs randomly
- Need a random number, but this is hard on blockchain
- Some ways
- Timestamp
- Miner address
- Who will be next validator
- Combination of these to generate a random number
- Still need to figure out how to generate the IDs as a result
- Pick numbers in an ascending order
- Random ID picking algorithm
- ID revealed at mint
- Tradeoffs: Can abort transactions if you don’t like what you minted
- “Randomness can be controlled by sandwiches”
- Randomness https://blog.phor.net/randomization-strategies-nft-drops
- Uncovered insider trading
- Optimizations
- Remix Project
- https://remix.ethereum.org/#lang=en&optimize=false&runs=200&evmVersion=null&version=soljson-v0.8.20+commit.a1b79de6.js&language=Solidity
- Get your NFT drop by joining as a beta tester at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0WsJnKbeJo-BGrnf7WijxAdmE4PnC_Z4M0IApbBfHLHZdsQ/viewform
Community Service Hour episode 81 featuring @axellemoortgat @OnChainBunnies @ryestew
Key points for efficiently putting image-NFTs on chain
And things you might not know about Remix IDE
Best practices for generating the images when needed ON-CHAIN, and minimizing storage (SSTORE) use.
“Randomness can be controlled by sandwiches” // @legend has the official framed book note for this!
See also our article https://blog.phor.net/randomization-strategies-nft-drops about all the tradeoffs
Check out Remix at https://remix.ethereum.org and now I can see all this documentation that was always there. Here is where to find it…
[[ PHOTO ]]
Get your NFT drop by joining as a Remix beta tester at [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0WsJnKbeJo-BGrnf7WijxAdmE4PnC_Z4M0IApbBfHLHZdsQ/viewform
](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0WsJnKbeJo-BGrnf7WijxAdmE4PnC_Z4M0IApbBfHLHZdsQ/viewform)Is this the first official Ethereum Foundation sanctioned NFT drop?