84 / Taho
The open source wallet?
This week we review the Taho wallet. We also discuss a new concept in web3, RainbowMask, that has no accounts and signs every message non-interactively. Thanks to all who stayed until the end!

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco

Vj Deliria


Episode notes
Edit these notes…TIMELINE
- 00:43 Dumb business ideas
- 01:15 Announcing RainbowMask
- 02:49 Dan’s dumb business ideas
- 05:54 Review Taho
- 10:43 Big stacks
- 11:16 UI dead space
- 12:02 Ul abilities
- 14:14 UI Token spam
- 15:09 Overall impression
- For later: Why Chainlink is not random
- Review Taho wallet https://taho.xyz/ (use Arc browser, use Arc note tab)
We also discussed another web3, RainbowMask that has no accounts and signs every message non-interactively https://blog.phor.net/rainbowmask-random-web3-accounts