86 / Claim states
How to track physical asset properties
Discussing the use of blockchain technology to manage physical asset tokens via claims-state tables. The episode covers topics such as tracking different properties, claims of ownership, custody, liens, and regulatory seizure, as well as the challenges of documenting these claims and managing relationships between them. The podcast also discusses the benefits of using blockchain technology for anti-counterfeiting and the potential applications of enterprise NFTs in supply chain management.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco



Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Chain76 the first pharma/blockchain conference from 2018
- Claim-states can track: ownership, custody, liens, regulatory seizure (quarantine, destroy)
- Draft EIP-6464 multi-operator approvals
Aired 2023-07-25 / tw / dc / li
- Now live on YouTube and LinkedIn, as well as the usual Twitch and Twitter
- Chats aren’t synchronized
- Free speech alternative to YouTube, Rumble coming soon // https://rumble.com/c/c-3482588
- How to do pharma tracking on public networks?
- First pharma/blockchain conference from 2018: chain76org.github.io/chain76.org
- Managing physical asset tokens via claims-state tables:
- Want to track different things (let’s call them “properties”):
- Claims: claim of ownership, claim of custody, claim of lien (1:N), claim of regulatory seizure (quarantine, destroy)
- Vendor-managed inventory (“stays on my books until you sell it”)
- All referring to the same asset, but each have different abilities
- Points to an agent
- Provisions authority to do things
- I.e. give to someone else, revoke ownership, add attribute
- Depends on type of claim
- Require a third party
- Attributes: location/gps, temperature, humidity
- Points to a piece of data
- Need to be verified (perhaps by a third party)
- Some mutable, some immutable
- Claims: claim of ownership, claim of custody, claim of lien (1:N), claim of regulatory seizure (quarantine, destroy)
- Tricky: documenting these claims, manage relationships between claims
- “Ideally, the token space and the meat space eventually align”
- Public, private? At least needs to be verifiable by some parties.
- how to simultaneously handle changes in ownership, custody, liens, regulatory seizure, etc. and all of the rules between them…
- Prior art:
- EIP-6464
- Ever since Crypto Kitties, people wanted some people to be able to do stuff with NFTs while other people owned the NFTs
- Most of this stuff is a security
- James’ Claim States doc
- Singleton or multiple approaches that interoperate?
- Failure modes: lots of standards running around that don’t work together
- Benefit: anticounterfeiting
- Want to track different things (let’s call them “properties”):
- @fulldecent
- @dtedesco1
- @JamesCbury
- @037
- @yodude38
Today’s Community Service Hour with special guest @JamesCbury from EY.
Discussing enterprise NFTs and how we might track ownership separately from custody in the supply chain (“Industry 4.1”).
This starts with popular concepts in #gamefi straight out of @Stepnofficial @AxieInfinity
Then we expand this idea to enterprise supply chain applications, yes really.
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