88 / Crypto marketing
How to go from zero to angel
The intricacies of crypto marketing. Guest Diana Dai shares her journey from studying journalism to working in prominent crypto platforms, emphasizing the significance of networking at conferences and showcasing genuine passion. She describes her proactive approach to her role at Binance and offers insights into the art of extreme pitching. The episode discusses the different facets of marketing and the distinction between marketing, user growth, and branding. It touches on how NFTs could potentially compensate creators when their work is used in large-scale algorithms and the impending shift towards data monetization. The session concludes with the crypto pitch challenge and discussions on data in the crypto realm.

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco



Benjamin Scheinberg




Episode notes
Edit these notes…-
https://youtube.com/shorts/DxRwOurxU_E PO box
https://youtube.com/shorts/Oko_61l9NiA Diana crypto pitch challenge
- Diana Dai @diana_bnb
- Background:
- Study: journalism, pick a conference/interview London FinTech week
- At the event, got interviews, gave high quotes, got the job
- 2021 first year in the US and getting into crypto since 2018
- Started at a DAO project
- Then to Binance Live, Binance Feed, and then affiliate program
- How to build your crypto marketing career:
- Do conferences, do spaces, pour your heart out, and show your
- Getting her role at Binance, just reached out and asked from Live beta program, only experience CMO in one project
- Explore extreme pitching (hop on one high heel or search for a credit card while pitching)
- How to explore projects
- In small projects, your voice is heard, the project is leveraged on you, take to the clouds or into the ground
- Projects fail, that’s not the point, learn to be strong
- Warning sign for a project: when you have to keep pitching investors (out of resources and not closing), if “doing something” is the goal (as opposed to helping investor make money), leadership squabbles at the brink of success
- Memorable Will Quotes
- What is disagreement? Two people in the room.
- What is politics? Three people in the room.
- Marketing content
- Marketing, user growth and branding are all different
- Affiliates, referrals is a clear model, bootcamp to become an affiliate, your main goal is CONTENT b/c traffic comes later
- Can we make a project<->KOL pitching model?
- Do the bootcamp to practice making content
- Binance profile: https://www.binance.com/en/live/u/23672483
- How marketing and KOL works with Binance
- How to build your career in crypto marketing
- Past projects/experiences
- Su Squares and Binance listing
- Background:
- Can NFTs be structured to pay out owners of creative work if it is used in a large ML algo
- What sort of data standardization would be required?
- robots.txt disallow ChatGPT
- step 2: have a payment address
- allow ChatGPT with payments
- Is it too low cost to be economically viable?
- Download the data while you still can, Binance event (cn)
- High value pharma data, DeSCINYC speech on this
- Relevant work: tea.xyz
- Prediction: all of the important data is going to start charging companies building LLMs for using data
- What sort of data standardization would be required?