92 / #SwagSeptember
Shirts from the events around the world
Join us in the discussion on optimizing Ethereum smart contracts. We'll tackle the topic of unnecessary storage usage, the controversy around for loops, and more insights into Solidity development practices. Plus, catch the latest from our community with the new mailing list, project updates, and #SwagSeptember highlights.

William Entriken




Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Pronounce POAP
- Our new mailing list
- Stop the war on for loops, and other optimizations you need to know when working Ethereum smart contracts in Solidity
- https://youtu.be/hKiz6OQh55Q
- https://rumble.com/v3f6jyj-92-swagseptember-the-shirts-from-the-events-around-the-world.html
- https://youtube.com/shorts/eTUIHxeM_fI
- https://www.tiktok.com/@fulldecent/video/7275546300349730091?lang=en
- How to pronounce POAP https://twitter.com/fulldecent/status/1696773625213317622
- #SwagSeptember / Artz OBYC / NY Fashion week
- Our project board // and badges
- See our new email list
- Optimizing: the most important part is not using unnecessary storage slots
- Stop the war on for-loops https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/13308
- One click dapp / tw account?
- Check out production app code at // view-source:https://tenthousandsu.com/buy supports many wallets
- https://twitter.com/fulldecent/status/1539272176205025284