98 / Type juggling
Can you shove multiple variables in one slot?
We look at important details everyone needs to know when writing smart contracts. Slots, loops and reentrancy.
Episode notes
Edit these notes…- Published IRS comments
- How to be aware of problems with when you are calling another contract https://hour.gg/episodes/2022-06-07-episode-27.html
- Type juggling optimization (storage bit stuffing)
- The “signature trick” 32B + 32B + 1B → 64B for public key signatuares
- The bit-stuffing: 48bits for your timestamp + … …. = 256bts, just make sure that you put them in the correct order in your Solidity contract definition
- Should we have an extension for this? Or at least a checklist for optimizing.
- Keep in mind
- Slots
- Loops
- Reentrancy
- Linters
- 037 tried a linter that flagged lots of false positive reentrancies
- How to be aware of problems with when you are calling another contract
- https://hour.gg/episodes/2022-06-07-episode-27.html
- Front-end synchronization (“slippage”) and
- How to ensure the price a buyer pays is the price they saw on the website? https://hour.gg/episodes/2021-12-21-episode-3.html
- Watch out for sandwiching/frontrunning
- buy(tokenId, price) // for a ERC-20 order
- buy(tokenId) payable // for a ETH order
- Pentesting as a service
- https://phor.net/ please see “code reviews”
- #1 – test cases
- If you don’t define what is your front hole and back hole, then all your holes are back holes
- “Premature optimization is the root of all evil”
- What is the famous artist that said something like: if you are painting and the parts of the face are in the wrong places it is better to throw away the painting and start over
- “Keeping yourself out of dark places is part of the mysticism of creating.”
- Bing says: “I found a quote by Andy Andrews that is similar to what you are looking for: “Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.”1 I hope this quote is more relevant to your question!”
- Hot take topic:
- https://tether.to/en/tether-freezes-32-addresses-linked-to-terrorism-and-warfare-in-israel-and-ukraine/
- Israel Crackdown Freezes Millions In Crypto Assets On Binance To Block Hamas Funds - Benzinga
- Israel orders freeze on crypto accounts in bid to block funding for Hamas (ft.com)