100 / BAYC & Magic Eden
Do forced royalties break NFTs?
Good luck with that

William Entriken

Daniel Tedesco







Jay Chen





Episode notes
Edit these notes…- https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/26/23932288/leica-m11p-camera-rangefinder-adobe-content-authenticity-cai-ai-verification-price-specs
- Discussion with @V3CT0RFI – “If you’re building a community, there should be more stringent processes to get onto a marketplace.” Different from people who are selling art with no promise of further activities
- Flippers are valuable, holders are valuable
- Give NFTs away for free, and you’re not liable for a lot of stuff – your income tax, collecting sales tax, etc.
- See: https://hour.gg/episodes/2022-08-16-episode-37.html
- Board Ape + Business, not just selling empty vision
- The CSH video game!
- Universal Asset Signing and the moat 2023-11-06 Tokens, gas, UAS
- Main features:
- Join new marketplaces with no onboarding fees
- Transfer tokens without ever having ETH (great for USDD/Latin America)