108 / NFT bingo
Reviewing 2023 predictions
Reviewing the 2023 predictions for NFT and the final verdicts on the bingo card. Also looking at travel plans for the upcoming year.
Episode notes
Edit these notes…2023 NFT bingo
- ❌ A music release mentioned in Rolling Stone magazine or Billboard is somehow released with/using/twinning NFTs / A Billboard Artists Hot 100 from the end of 2022 list releases an NFT series capitalizing on their reputation
- Maybe Aoki or Royal.io?
- ✅ A US senator, representative, or executive department official that has a notable-verified checkmark on Twitter releases an NFT series capitalizing on their reputation
- https://collecttrumpcards.com Trump mugshot edition
- https://twitter.com/CollectTrump/status/1734613275613057222
- ❌A person using Instagram will sell NFTs from the platform achieving market value over USD 10m
- Insta stopped NFT sales
- Phoned a friend: Dapppunk and Zoup
- ❌ You buy a product in Walmart with a QR code on the retail box exterior that links to that specific product (serial number) that is somehow recorded on an immutable ledger
- We are seeing more food with barcodes. But not 2d QR codes.
- Bags from whole foods have QR codes
- ❌ A game with more MAU than Horizon Games adopts a usable asset in the game which is somehow recorded on an immutable ledger / A “Crypto Kitties” moment in a A/AA/AAA game with a collectable/monetization/verified thing that somehow relates to blockchain (which everyone will copy)
- No? Theres lots of games with NFTs like CSGo & FIFA but they are not interoperabe or published ledgers.
- ❌Reddit Avatar NFTs are useable somewhere other than on Reddit
- Mention them at https://twitter.com/SoareDragosMih1/status/1741476352618868923
- ❌More than USD 10B of asset holder funds are lost/locked/inaccessible due to some market exchange company/smart contract failure
- Nope, for some reason Tether didn’t rugpull yet
- ❌New regulation makes Binance/TRON/or similar sized exchange impermissible in the US like Tornado Cash
- CZ + Binance admitted wrongdoing https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/binance-and-ceo-plead-guilty-federal-charges-4b-resolution
- https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-encourages-users-to-convert-busd-to-other-stablecoins-prior-to-february-2024-d392843e81fd4bc3a5f7e219aa01f34d
- ✅Twitter Spaces doubles MAU
- maybe? according to Grok yes
- ❌An indie label gives out “gift cards” that fans can redeem and which pay https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1526378796173012992 the artist
- No? maybe someone can help find it?!
- https://blog.phor.net/numerology-1-to-10000
- travel
- Retweet this so our family lets us travel
- Getting 10miles+ out of the house (get out of COVID mode, “new kid mode”)
- Non fungible conference Lisbon
- NFT paris
- Token 2049 Dubai
- NFT Tallin
- Korea blockchain week
- ETH Denver
Bitconned the show https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/bitconned-release-date-cast-news